Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dan Shi (Bullet Hand)
- Uke grab lapel + punch
- Tori cut into wrist and move sidways

Dan Shu (Knife hand?)
- Uke grab sleeve + punch
- Tori contact elbow, close to chest, turn (option: direct accept - only works if you let uke do his thing)
- Uke try to punch, counter
- Shto to neck,
- Boshi to opposite shoulder
- Kick to back
- Gyakku

Gyokko ryu (Tori perpendicular shoulders, fingers point to shoulder = target)
- Uke Punch
- Tori minimal inside, right angle (twist front foot)
- Ura Shuto to neck

- Tori jumonji
- Uke punch
- diagonal knuckle behind elbow (zzap)
- left boshi to ribs
- Metsubushi
- Switch sides

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