Wednesday, June 15, 2005

[16:43] =TC= VK - dja - []: i just picked up a terratec phase 24 firewire, its mint, has 2 inputs, 2 outputs, loads of connectors, perfect for recording etc, 24bit 192kHz too so spot on quality :)
[16:43] =TC= VK - dja - []: only £150 :P
[16:43] David: hehe, i was looking a a phase 22
[16:44] =TC= VK - dja - []: the asio is mint, im getting 4ms latency :P
[16:44] David: delay anywhwere above 8-10 ms is mindbending when you play guitar
[16:44] David: sucks
[16:44] David: what software u use?
[16:44] =TC= VK - dja - []: yeah i went for ages without having asio, was a bitch
[16:45] =TC= VK - dja - []: cubase mostly, but reason 3's grabbing my goat big time right now, so good on cpu and really usable at last, it can do almost anything now imo
[16:45] David: cool
[16:45] =TC= VK - dja - []: i always rewired reason to cubase for redrum
[16:45] David: i never even had cubase
[16:45] =TC= VK - dja - []: now its worth using for other stuff :)
[16:46] David: need to pick your brain on that one day
[16:46] =TC= VK - dja - []: sx2 is mint, vst support is what makes it, synths like adventus and superwave are my faves (big trance sounds)
[16:46] =TC= VK - dja - []: yeah anytime ;)
[16:46] David: i gotta pc in living room hooked up to dolby surrond for exactly that kinda stuff, the software i have is the suxxor

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