Monday, October 01, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

- uke grab both sides
- Tori start omotegyaku on uke lapel hand, front side in middle area
- Tori goes for mushadori on other hand

- uke grab both sides
- Tori moves sideways on long arm, shoulder back to stretch arm, arm in front of chest
- Capture elbow/stratch arm/down
- Musodori (lautloses einfangen eines Kriegers)

- Uke straight punch
- "stroke" punch, extend,
- Tori move shoulder/upper arm under uke arm + arm circle around until behind uke
- Tori move around and under arm (can be back to back)

- Uke straight punch
- Tori tilt back, then step right forward(far)/rotating,
- then something.....

5) anti choke
- lift shoulders,
- tilt spine forward (one foot back)


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No grab, orientation, point at opponent
1) Omote Gyakku
Ichimonji across
Ichimonjy back
fingers should point at uke

2) Ura Gyakku
no grab, ready for shuto

3) Erde technik
Elbow horizontal, Kotoryu "bone tchnique"
dont work against him

4) Erde against roundhouse, dive, touch opposite shoulder

Shizen... drift into philosopyh

Kata = nergiy in motion/emotion

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

1) Umote Gyakku (soft - look Tori in the yes to roll smooth))
2) Ura Gyakku (ditto), if low only roll over near shoulder
3) ganseki nage (?) with big over step for sideways roll

4) Onikudaki (?) "hände ineinanderlaufen" from grab
4a) start with rockabillymove
twist hips, hit shoulder, face forward
kick across stomach, takedown

- Tori: Jumonji with reverse fist
- Uke straight punch
- Tori down
- onikudaki

5a) straighten arm to block unkuaki

5b) try to do shoulder throw with arm

5c) counter shoulder throw by arm behind head, fall down back
alternative with choke?
str8 punch, big step forward reach around to belt at lower back, reverse pull takedown

massive right slap
twist clockwise 360/go down
go 4 the legs

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

- Uke kick to stomach (right) (Tori kann "Offer" and shift a bit to right)
- Tori hicho standing left foot "bow" with raised knee
- Tori right hand to shoulder/neck, takedown

- Uke right punch
- Tori ichimonji back inside (right), with rear right hand contacting striking hand
- Cross to left side, swapping stance, right shuto to neck, takedown

as above, but with front kick (left foot, keep foot horizontal)

- Uke right Kick to stomach
- Tori step back right, catch footr with hand/knee
- break/strike above the knee with lift hand

- Uke grableft arm
- Tori move right, arm in front of chest, NO touch, NO intention
- Tori only approaches hand to Uke elbow AFTER move
- Tori richt hand punch
- Shuto to elbow
- Shuto to neck
- reach over with shuto arm, Omote gyaku start, but keep arm straight

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

1) Ichimonji outside
- from Shisen... feet together
- down, then back

2) ???
From above then:
- Dive under arm (back inside)
- Leading elbow to Uke head
- Somehwo step behind and takedown

Te Hokido (?) Hand Liberation
- Uke grab wrist mirror, Uke right hand to Tori left
- First move is down, open feet "ichimonji"
- Tori small sideways step inside (left) out of the center... no feeling/energy in hand arm
- right foot back/reverse yoko aruki into ichimonji
- left (front) hand is above tori hand/arm

- Uke grab wrist cross, Uke right hand to Tori rightoss
- First move is down, open feet "ichimonji"
- Tori yoko aruki to left foot to right side, arms cross, no feeling/energy in hand arm
- right foot resolves into ichimonji
- left (front) hand is above tori hand/arm

- Uke grab both wrists
- Tori yoko aruki to left foot to right side, arms cross
- right hand grabs uke hand in weird reverse lock
- left (front) hand is above tori hand/arm
thats it