Friday, July 10, 2009

- Uke straight punch
- Tori shizen 90 degrees outside (helps if you start high and go low)
- right hand slides along over punch, extends, then lowers (with body)
- final twist to throw

- Uke straight punch
- Tori shizen 90 degrees outside (helps if you start high and go low)
- Left elbow "let run into"
- 90/180 turn back into, "behind" right elbow to solar plexus
- Lower arm vertical for shuto to neck

- Uke straight punch
- Tori shizen 90 degrees inside
- Right elbow "let run into"
- shoulder lock?

- Uke straight punch
- Tori ichimonji, nice hard block (more sidaways than backwards)
- 2nd punch
- capture arm similar to 1, with full 180 twist/uke hand to hip
- kick to upper bod, from bottum up
- uke leans backwards/takedown

6) similar to one but inside
boy do you fly

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

- Uke straight punch
- Hoko inside (dive, watch for the low kick),
- right hand controls guarding elbow, if you can do it sanshin it from under/crossed forearm
- reverse yoko aruki left back, stretch the guard arm (dont force it open), optional shuto
- Then throw by pushing on stretched arm

- Uke straight punch
- Hoko inside (dive, watch for the low kick),
- Left step across, right shuto to temple
- right step wiggle in, takedown

- Judo stance
- 90 degree ichimonji to right, left hand twists elbow, right hand boshiken to throat (1 movement, sanshin, twist all the way)
- right step across, keeps hand where they are
- Kick + happa ken

- Judo stance
- 90 degree ichimonji to right, left hand twists elbow, right hand boshiken to throat (1 movement, sanshin, twist all the way)
- Step across and go for elbow lock on opposite arm, twist all the way so parallel to Uke

5) Bokken
- Uke Daijudan + tori segan
- Drop blade to invite straight cut
- step left, blade around left and over onto uke blade (stopping the flow - side/back of blade)
- step right, blade under and around, clear the space
- another cut if you feel like it

6) Bokken
- Uke Daijudan + tori reverse segan
- Drop blade or move left to invite diagonal cut
- Step right and block blade
- Step left and hit front leg

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

- Right Punch
- Yoko aruki right foot across to left, raise right arm, contact striking arm with back of hand
- right foot back across into L shape in front of uke (keep left arm down for practise), striking arm is across front of chest
- do not push arm down!
- want to come from behind
- Then throw

- Right punch
- Yoko aruki right foot across to left, raise right arm, contact striking arm with back of hand
- Right elbow to ribs
- right foot back across into L shape behind uke
- Right Elbow from underneath arm to face
- shuto/throw backwards

- 2 punches
- 1st punch back right into segan (long/shoulders in line)
- 2nd punch yoko aruki right foot all the way across to left, fingerstrike to throat
- 180degree reverse twist in doko right arm covers, left arm to leg

- Sword Dai Judan
- 90 degree shizen with left foot towards uke, left hand on sword hand
- left foot forward across
- control with elbows and ....

- Sword Dai Judan
- Sanshin right fooot/armDive under left uke arm
- hand under elbow (waiter)
- Throw

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Uke Straight punch (right)
Evade shift left, perpendicular to punch, make contact (light) with arm
Shift right taking uke arm across, then up, then step past left and takedown
3-dimensional movements - left to right, around/over, then diagonal down

Uke Straight punch (right)
Tori evade outside, right foot exactly 90 degrees reverse turn, "extend" the punch (not(!) downwards)
feet hips, shoulders exactly parallel to punch, as close as possible to chest (left hand optional for training)
left foot forward at precisely 90° to punch, push with left shoulder, ideally upwards

Uke Straight punch (right)
Tori inside, past uke (within range of left punch), feet together! (hobanize)
Hicho, right kick to uke left hip shoot back, set foot down a bit forward
Shitanken to neck, with extra by reverse left yoko aruki, shooting head backwards
if you can catch him, throw

4) Uke Straight punch (right)
Tori 45 degrees inside back, hicho
Left kick to ribs/achselhöhle (kicking foot nice and crosswise, standing foot perpendicular)
Left step/left arm taking attackers arm behind him, past out of punch range
Takedown with crossed arm lcok (name?)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Osoto Nage, Osote Geri, Osoto Gake

1) Judo position
Left foot + right arm forward, twist to have uke in front
Sneak right foot past
- Nage = throw
- Geri = sweep (?)
- Gake = Hook
-> with right foot

Kosoto = with left (outside foot)

2) Judo position

right to right, left to left,
hip twist + right hand up brings off balance
then step to (tori's) right

3) right punch
tori left step, catch with left arm
right shuto to neck
block foot (right with right), hold shoulder with right hand, hold arm with left hand
Takedown with left reverse yoko aruki kneel, facedown